Edenred Rebranding Story at Digital People (Find out the story behind rebranding)

A brand is not just an identity; it is a story that constantly narrates itself to the audience.

Here’s the story of Edenred Rebranding!

Edenred started its operations in India in 1997. A fusion of two words Eden and Red where E stands for Entrepreneurial, D stands for Differentiated and En stands for Ensemble, it gives the message of moving forward differently together.

Catering to B2B audience, the company was, till now, identified by its red ball that is placed inside a blue square box with the letter E in bold.

The red ball finds a prominent place in Edenred’s commercial offers like Ticket Restaurant® Meal Vouchers, Ticket Compliments® Gift Vouchers and Accentiv’® loyalty solutions.

However, with time, as the company’s business grew, it was realised that although popular, the commercial offers were identified as standalone and did not contribute to the parent company’s brand recognition.

This recognition was much needed as India is moving full swing towards digitalisation and so is the company.

Another important reason for rebranding was the company’s new focus on not just businesses but also the beneficiaries.

The new Edenred

Observing the changing business environment, it was time to view the company’s business in a new light because, as we always say, in the waves of change we find our true direction.

Rebranding has given Edenred a new meaning which is in line with its evolving business dynamics and robust growth plan for the coming years.

With a renewed focus from B2B to B2B2C, the company has undergone repositioning at all levels.

Edenred has maintained its connection with the earlier logo by keeping the red ball which now takes the form of a red circle.

The letters Eden and red touch each other showing connection and the red circle is open depicting that the company welcomes new ideas.

The tagline goes a step further portraying the growth and renewed approach of the company from “For an easier life” to add more value to the lives of people with “We connect, you win”.

Every aspect of rebranding is well-thought-out to give shape to Edenred’s evolving ideologies, culture and business.

And with this vibrant change, the company begins a new chapter in its growth story!

To be a part of our amazing journey, connect with us now and explore our work-life benefit offerings and rewards and loyalty solutions for your channel partners, customers and employees.

Note: In 2021, A strategic decision had been made by the Edenred group to discontinue Edenred Meal Card in India.

Watch the new logo story | Edenred India


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